Every tree species carries the risk of succumbing to disease or suffering from pest infestations, both of which can cause extensive harm. Often, the early indications of these issues are barely noticeable, yet, without swift intervention, they could lead to significant damage, necessitating the removal of the tree. Should any of your trees exhibit signs of disease or pests, it’s crucial to seek immediate expert evaluation and care. At Hendricksen Tree Care, we deliver expert tree care services in Inverness, IL, providing professional assessment and remediation for trees compromised by pests or disease. Our certified arborists are dedicated to pinpointing the source of the problem and devising a comprehensive treatment strategy to nurse your trees back to optimal health.

Tree Disease Treatment

Tree-Treatment-for-Inverness-ILA multitude of diseases can adversely affect your trees, leading to leaf loss, stunted development, and damage to the trunk caused by bacteria, fungi, or even environmental stressors like drought. If you notice any of the following symptoms in your trees, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts at Hendricksen Tree Care for prompt assistance:

  • Irregular growths on branches or trunk
  • Unsightly marks or fine powdery residues on foliage
  • Brittle or decomposing branches
  • Foliage turning yellow or perishing

Once you call Hendricksen Tree Care, our arborists spring into action to examine and accurately diagnose the affected trees. Once the condition is identified, we will consult with you to explore the most suitable treatment options to rejuvenate your tree’s health. Our treatments aim to alleviate symptoms and fully eradicate the disease.

Tree Insect Treatment

While certain insects contribute positively to a tree’s ecosystem, many other species are detrimental, draining essential nutrients and compromising the tree’s structure. Predominantly, there are two insect types that pose threats to trees: leaf-eaters like Japanese beetles and burrowers such as the emerald ash borer, which tunnel for nutrients, causing grave damage in the process.

Tell-tale signs of insect invasion include small holes in the bark or leaves stripped down to their veins. Hendricksen Tree Care boasts a team of pest control specialists who can determine the type of pest affecting your tree and the ideal treatment strategy. Following diagnosis, we outline an array of solutions and start the treatment.

Depending on the infestation’s severity and the specific pest involved, our treatment plans may include the following approaches:

  • Bark and canopy spray applications
  • Soil and trunk treatment injections

Proactive Tree Maintenance

Implementing a schedule of regular, proactive tree care bolsters your trees’ resilience against diseases and pests. Our arborists contribute to preserving the health of your trees through the following maintenance services:

  • Once a year treatment: Annual treatment in the spring to enrich your trees with essential nutrients for year-long defense.
  • Tree pruning: Strategic pruning to remove weakened, dead, or sickly branches, thus promoting tree health.
  • Fertilization applications: Organic fertilization to nourish robust growth.
  • Disease and insect prevention: Preventative measures for disease and pest threats to ensure ongoing tree vitality.
  • Storm tree service: Responsive care post-storm to address any damage and clear away tree debris.

For those facing tree-related concerns due to disease or pests, take immediate action by contacting Hendricksen Tree Care. Our arborists will diagnose and begin treating your trees to restore their health. Residents of Inverness, IL can benefit from our preventive tree maintenance protocols designed to minimize the chances of pest infestations or diseases.

For targeted tree care solutions, reach out to Hendricksen Tree Services at (847) 348-8302.


Review by Steven Curl

Tree Care Services
Rating 5 5 Star R.W.Hendricksen Rating

”They took down a pine in my front yard. They did a great job at fair price. Highly recommend, would hire again.”

Review by Scott Hansen

Tree Care Services
Rating 5 5 Star R.W.Hendricksen Rating

”Great tree trimming company very professional. Upfront with your costs. Considerate of your property.”

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