Planting trees on your property offers numerous benefits, including additional shade, increased oxygen levels, and enhanced wind resistance. Not only do they contribute to the aesthetic appeal of your property, but they can also significantly raise its value. However, planting a tree involves much more consideration than one might initially think. Before embarking on planting a tree, it’s crucial to evaluate several factors, such as the local climate, soil conditions, and whether there is ample space for the tree to grow and flourish.

If you would like to plant a new tree, it is important to consult with professional arborists. Hendricksen Tree Care offers tree planting services in Skokie, IL, and the surrounding areas. We guarantee that your tree will be properly planted in a prime location so it can grow to its full potential. If you need transplanting services, we can help replant the tree in a better spot for it to thrive.

Why Plant a Tree?

Many individuals consider planting a tree to enhance the aesthetic appeal of their yard and boost their property’s value. Others are motivated by the desire for additional shade, which can significantly reduce cooling expenses during the summer months. Introducing a new tree also contributes to higher oxygen levels, thus improving air quality. Moreover, it serves as a natural barrier against rain, helping to minimize the risk of flooding. For families, planting a tree is a collective effort, fostering a sense of unity as they nurture and watch it flourish together.

Tree Planting

Tree Planting Services in Skokie, ILBefore deciding to plant a new tree in your yard, conducting thorough research is crucial to ensure you select the one that best suits your property. Our comprehensive planting services are designed to assist you in this process. Our arborists will evaluate your soil’s condition and recommend a tree that will thrive under your yard’s unique conditions. We also consider potential threats from diseases and pests to choose a species that is more resistant to these threats. Upon selecting a tree, we’ll guide you in determining the optimal location, ensuring it receives adequate sunlight and has ample room to grow. Improper placement can lead to future complications, necessitating relocation or removal of the tree from your property.

Tree Transplanting

If you have a tree that is in an area that does not get enough sun or does not have enough space for it to grow, you may have to remove the tree or replant it in a better area. Hendricksen Tree Care can help with our tree transplanting services. We will relocate trees in troublesome spots to a better location so that they can grow to their full potential. If you think that your trees need to be transplanted to a better spot, make sure to reach out to us right away. We will assess your tree to determine if it needs to be removed and replanted.

If you are thinking of planting a new tree at your property in Skokie, IL, make sure to reach out to Hendricksen Tree Care. Our arborists will help you determine the best tree species to plant as well as the best spot for it. Call Hendricksen Tree Care today at (847) 348-8302 to learn more about our tree planting and transplanting services.


Review by Steven Curl

Tree Care Services
Rating 5 5 Star R.W.Hendricksen Rating

”They took down a pine in my front yard. They did a great job at fair price. Highly recommend, would hire again.”

Review by Scott Hansen

Tree Care Services
Rating 5 5 Star R.W.Hendricksen Rating

”Great tree trimming company very professional. Upfront with your costs. Considerate of your property.”

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